Nongprue launches campaign to battle dengue fever


With lots of water remaining at the end of this year’s rainy season, Nongprue Sub-district officials reminded residents to remain vigilant in fighting dengue fever.

Mayor Mai Chaiyanit and public health workers visited homes on sois Khao Noi, Mabyailia 1 and Nong Yai Nov. 4 to spray mosquito pesticide and distribute abate for residents to place in standing water.

Mosquitoes are the primary vector for transmission of dengue fever and area officials continually work to teach residents to remove or protect places where the virus-carrying bugs can breed.

Health workers spray a local neighborhood to help eradicate mosquitoes, with the aim of preventing dengue fever.Health workers spray a local neighborhood to help eradicate mosquitoes, with the aim of preventing dengue fever.

Health workers explained that locals can use salt water, vinegar, ash or pour hot boiling water into puddles, pots or other water sources around their homes every week to terminate larvae before they hatch into flying mosquitoes. Unnecessary ponds or puddles can easily be filled with soil to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs as well.

The campaign will run through Nov. 29. Residents who suspect they’ve contracted dengue can contact the Public Health Department at 038-933-110.