Painters busy as Pattaya realigns Beach Road parking

Red-and-white “no parking” zones need to be removed in some places while street workers have to freshen up paint jobs near corners, at bus stops and in front of shopping malls.

Pattaya’s painters are still busy, slapping on and scraping off red and white paint as the city realigns Beach Road parking.

Parking is now allowed on both sides of the road. While that reduces the number of traffic lanes, congestion hasn’t been a problem during the coronavirus pandemic. The street often is deserted.

But Mayor Sonthaya Kunplome said this past weekend shows signs that’s changing. Cars lined much of Beach Road’s seaside curb both Saturday and Sunday afternoons and restaurants along Beach Road reported more customers as parking became easier.

Mayor Sonthaya Kunplome said this past weekend shows signs that’s changing.

City hall still is working to smooth out the system, however. Red-and-white “no parking” zones need to be removed in some places while street workers have to freshen up paint jobs near corners, at bus stops and in front of shopping malls.

Others are working to replace light bulbs and ensure all light towers are functioning to ensure safety at night for people parking on the right side of Beach Road.

Pattaya’s painters are still busy, slapping on and scraping off red and white paint as the city realigns Beach Road parking.

Cars lined much of Beach Road’s seaside curb both Saturday and Sunday afternoons and restaurants along Beach Road reported more customers as parking became easier.