Patient thief steals charity donations

The unknown thief makes off with the restaurant’s motorbike and other stolen goods.
The unknown thief makes off with the restaurant’s motorbike and other stolen goods.

Police are trying to track down a patient thief who filled a stolen motorbike’s basket with two loads from a Pattaya restaurant, including its charity-donation box.

Kanya Rattanaprasert, 52, owner of the Larb Kook Kai, showed reporters the security-camera footage given to police. In it, a young man sitting outside the closed restaurant hot-wires the store’s motorbike, then breaks in.

He comes out with a handful of items, then calmly goes back inside for more. He returns with more goods, plus a box containing about 10,000 baht donated by customers for a local charity. He then speeds off.

Kanya’s mother actually was upstairs and heard the thief, but assumed it was her grandson coming in and out and didn’t pay any mind until she looked and saw the stranger riding off with her family’s property.