Pattaya Beach Road turns green on St. Patrick’s Day


Parade is biggest, most respectful

The annual Pattaya St. Patrick’s Day Parade took place on the afternoon of March the 17th, St. Patrick’s Day.

A pair of Irish lads brave the heat in the annual Pattaya St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 17 this year, which was a quieter affair than usual as the participants paid respects to His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, and to the current monarch, King Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun. It was also the first time that His Excellency Brendan Rogers, Ambassador at the Embassy of Ireland in Bangkok attended the event.
A pair of Irish lads brave the heat in the annual Pattaya St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 17 this year, which was a quieter affair than usual as the participants paid respects to His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, and to the current monarch, King Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun. It was also the first time that His Excellency Brendan Rogers, Ambassador at the Embassy of Ireland in Bangkok attended the event.

This year, the seventh year since the Parade started, was a quieter affair than usual as the participants paid respects to His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, and also to the current monarch, His Majesty King Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun.

It was also the first time that His Excellency Brendan Rogers, Ambassador at the Embassy of Ireland in Bangkok attended the event, and he led the parade from start to finish. Ambassador Rogers was accompanied by his good wife, Kevin Doris Rogers.

Ambassador Rogers marched the parade with Father Peter and a member of the Tourist Police.
Ambassador Rogers marched the parade with Father Peter and a member of the Tourist Police.
Ambassador Rogers was accompanied by Father Peter and the students with disabilities.
Ambassador Rogers was accompanied by Father Peter and the students with disabilities.
Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort, winners of Best Decorated Float, 5 years in a row!
Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort, winners of Best Decorated Float, 5 years in a row!
Children from the Father Ray Center for Children with Special Needs are ready.
Children from the Father Ray Center for Children with Special Needs are ready.

It was at the Alcazar Theater that everyone gathered, decorated floats, marching bands and paraders, and prior to the start of the parade entertainment was provided. The ladies from Hooters gave a unique performance of Y.M.C.A., the students from the School for the Blind sang beautifully, as they always do, and the staff from Centara Grand Resort got everyone dancing. A trio of traditional Irish musicians flew in from the Emerald Isle especially to play on the day, and they brought back memories for many.

Father Michael Picharn welcomed H.E. the Ambassador, who gave a short speech before the flags of Thailand and Ireland were raised to the sounds of the two national anthems.

The parade was led by the marching band from the Royal Thai Navy, followed by the Ambassador and a group of students from the Vocational School for People with Disabilities who all carried portraits of the late and the current kings.’

Derrick Kane, founder of the parade, with St. Patrick.
Derrick Kane, founder of the parade, with St. Patrick.
Everyone comes together on St. Patrick's Day.
Everyone comes together on St. Patrick’s Day.
Flying the flags.
Flying the flags.

The parade is growing each year and this year was the biggest in its short history. Thousands took part and even more spectators lined both sides of Beach Road to watch the spectacle.

The number of marching bands was reduced to just three this year, compared to eight in previous years but this lack of music did not stop anyone having fun.

One of the loudest floats was from the School for the Blind. Give a group of blind teenager boys a trombone, four saxophones, cymbals and a set of drums and they will entertain you for as long as they can.

The parade ended at School No. 8 on South Pattaya Road, and everyone gathered to listen to the list of Best Decorated Floats winners, this year won, again, by Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya. Pattaya Floating Village and King Power also received well deserved trophies.

H.E. Ambassador Rogers thanks everyone for attending.
H.E. Ambassador Rogers thanks everyone for attending.
Irish for the day.
Irish for the day.
Many wheelchairs users also took part in the parade.
Many wheelchairs users also took part in the parade.
Paying respect to the late and current kings.
Paying respect to the late and current kings.
Steve Devereux received his award from Ambassador Rogers and Father Michael.
Steve Devereux received his award from Ambassador Rogers and Father Michael.

Ambassador Rogers and Father Michael presented a special award to Steven Devereux for all his hard work and dedication over the past seven years; the Pattaya parade would not be what it is today without the enthusiasm of Mr. Devereux.

As the sun was starting to dip, H.E. Ambassador Rogers thanked everyone for attending and he promised he would be back in 2018.

While the Pattaya St. Patrick’s Day Parade is always a lot of fun, there is also a serious side to the event. All money raised and donated will go to Pattaya’s largest charitable organization, the Father Ray Foundation, who currently care for and educate more than 850 children and students with disabilities.

The blind students played from start to finish.
The blind students played from start to finish.
The girls from Hooters performed.
The girls from Hooters performed.
The Royal Thai Navy Band.
The Royal Thai Navy Band.
The students from the School for the Blind sang.
The students from the School for the Blind sang.

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