Pattaya beer bars stampede to get restaurant licenses so they can sell booze

Workers tear down the Dog’s Bollocks Bar sign to replace it with the establishment’s new name, Number One June.
Workers tear down the Dog’s Bollocks Bar sign to replace it with the establishment’s new name, Number One June.

There’s a run on restaurant licenses in Pattaya as beer bars and pubs scramble to sell alcohol again.

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Duangdao Mason, owner of the Dog’s Bollocks, a beer bar offering drinks only for the past decade, has decided it’s actually a restaurant now and she applied at the Banglamung District office for a restaurant license so she can open the taps again.

Once exclusively a bar, the layout has been renovated into a restaurant.
Once exclusively a bar, the layout has been renovated into a restaurant.

She’s changed the name to Number One June, while also renovating the short-time liaison rooms into a proper guesthouse.

Duangdao said she’s cooking up Thai and western food and invited everyone to come to eat … and drink.

Whether she gets proper licenses – and whether police respect them – is another question. Pattaya police warned pubs holding restaurant licenses that if their primary business is selling alcohol they will be shut down, regardless of what piece of paper they have on the wall.

Duangdao Mason, proprietor, said she’s cooking up Thai and western food and invited everyone to come to eat and drink.
Duangdao Mason, proprietor, said she’s cooking up Thai and western food and invited everyone to come to eat and drink.