Pattaya City vaccinates pets; trades hazardous waste for organic eggs

“Ouch! but I know it’s good for me,” thinks this adorable feline as she gets her rabies shot at the vaccination center at Baan Nong Ket Yai Community School in Nong Pla Lai Municipality.

In a continuing drive to prevent the spread of rabies in our communities, Pattaya City together with the neighboring municipalities dispatched mobile rabies units to administer vaccinations to pets and strays.

The Public Health and Environment Division of Nong Pla Lai Municipality set up a vaccination unit at the Baan Nong Ket Yai Community School on May 10, where animal lovers brought their pet dogs and cats to get the lifesaving shots.

Residents who were not able to come to the mobile units on that day can bring their pets to the Public Health and Environment Division of Nong Pla Lai Municipality on any other day to get their vaccinations.

For those unable to bring their pets to get vaccinated, another possibility was to register to take the vaccine doses home, provided they were carried in opaque, ice-filled containers.

Municipality officers set up a stand where residents could bring their hazardous waste to trade at the rate of 1 kilogram of waste product for 3 organic chicken eggs.

Mobile units will travel around Pattaya and Banglamung district throughout the summer giving free rabies vaccinations.

Another service offered on the day was to encourage residents to protect and preserve the environment. Officers set up a stand where residents could bring their used batteries, spray cans, bathroom cleaner liquid, light bulbs and containers of insecticide products to trade them in at the rate of 1 kilogram of waste product for 3 organic chicken eggs. The municipality will dispose the hazardous waste correctly without causing damage to the eco-system.

Health officers also set up a stand to distribute face masks and sanitizing gels and sprays to the public.