Pattaya City warns shopkeepers not to block parking spaces

Pattaya City officials remove chairs illegally placed in from of shops and massage salons on Pattaya 2nd Road that deprive motorists of parking space.

Acting on complaints that business operators, including massage parlors, bars and restaurants had unlawfully placed chairs along the roadside to reserve parking spaces in front of their establishments Teerasak Jatupong, head of city hall’s Special Task Unit conducted inspections on Pattaya 2nd Road on May 19, where they found a row of chairs placed in from of the shops to prevent cars from parking there.

Pattaya shopkeepers, bars and restaurants have a bad habit of placing chairs and other obstacles on the road in front of their establishments to block cars and motorbikes from parking there. They claim that it prevents customers from coming into their shops. Motorists are threatened and fearing that their cars will be damaged while parked there, they move on to look for a safe parking spot. The officers confiscated 10 chairs and warned shopkeepers that blocking public space was in violation of the law and they could face a 10,000 baht fine.