Pattaya commissions music video to promote AEC tourism


Pattaya plans to produce a music video to better promote tourism here once the ASEAN Economic Community begins.

Speaking at an AEC forum Aug. 17, Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome said the city must actively prepare for the common market, which is slated to begin in December, as there will be more competition for tourists and investment.

The city has recruited well-known director Pradya Pinkaew to bring together the music and images for the promotional video.

Well-known director Pradya Pinkaew (left) has been hired to produce a music video to help Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome (right) better promote tourism here once the ASEAN Economic Community begins.Well-known director Pradya Pinkaew (left) has been hired to produce a music video to help Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome (right) better promote tourism here once the ASEAN Economic Community begins.

The forum also was intended to allow hotel operators and other tourist-related businesses to offer up ideas on how Pattaya can prepare for the AEC, especially in relation to the skill level of its workforce.

“It requires increasing human resource skills to allow employees to be able to work internationally,” Itthiphol said.

As part of the city’s efforts to prepare businesses for the AEC, it sponsored an ASEAN Day on Aug. 27.

The event was aimed at planning a strategy to support business to move forward to compete in the AEC.