Pattaya Dark Side residents go after local drunk driver

Police were called to Nernplubwan Euartorn Village where a drunk man was revving his engine and racing through the narrow streets.
Police were called to Nernplubwan Euartorn Village where a drunk man was revving his engine and racing through the narrow streets.

East Pattaya residents were out for blood after a local man drove drunk through the neighborhood in his loud, smoke-belching truck.

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Police were called to Nernplubwan Euartorn Village July 18 where about a dozen residents were ready to string up Monchai Ditprasert, 32, for revving his engine and racing through the narrow streets.

Monchai Ditprasert flunked his blood-alcohol test at 0.19 percent, well over the legal limit, and was arrested for drunk driving.
Monchai Ditprasert flunked his blood-alcohol test at 0.19 percent, well over the legal limit, and was arrested for drunk driving.

Neighbor Atitaya Daradad, 42, said this wasn’t the first time. A few weeks ago he did the same thing and ran over a dog. Locals fear next time it might be a child.

The delivery truck driver flunked his blood-alcohol test at 0.19 percent, well over the legal limit, and was arrested for drunk driving.