Weather Forecast for Pattaya and Eastern Region
Scattered thunderstorms with isolated gusty winds and hail mostly in Nakhon Nayok, Prachin Buri, Sa Kaeo, Chonburi (Pattaya) and Chachoengsao. Minimum temperature 24-27 °C. Maximum temperature 33-39 °C. Southeasterly winds 10-30 km/hr. Wave height below 1 meter and above 1 meter in thundershowers.
7 days Weather Forecast
During 9 – 10 May, scattered thunderstorms with gusty wind and hail. Southeasterly winds 10 – 30 km/hr. Wave height below 1 meter and above 1 meter in thundershowers.
During 11 – 14 May, scattered to fairly widespread thundershowers and isolated heavy rains.
On 15 May, isolated to scattered thundershowers. Southwesterly winds 15 – 30 km/hr. Wave height about 1 meter and above 2 meter in thundershowers. Minimum temperature 23 – 28 °C. Maximum temperature 29 – 37 °C.

General Situation
The moderate high pressure system covers upper Thailand and the South China Sea where hot to very hot weather occur and where the stronger southerly and southeasterly winds blow the humidoity from the Gulf and the South China Sea. Outbreaks of summer storms are possible with thunderstorms, gusty winds, isolated hail and lightning strikes. People should beware of the severe condtions by keeping off outdoor places, big trees, unsecured buildings and billboards, as well as taking off metal decorations and mobiles. Farmers should prevent for crop damage. From 9 to 15 May, the active low-pressure cell over the lower Bay of Bengal will be likely to develop into a tropical cyclone, it is expected to move to upper Bengal. For the South, the southeasterly wind prevails across the South and the Gulf and southwesterly winds prevail across the Andaman Sea. More rain with isolate heavy rain is likely in the South. The strengthening wind and waves in the upper Andaman Sea about 2 meters high and above 3 meters high in thundershowers. In the lower Andaman Sea, the waves height 1 – 2 meters high in the lower Andaman Sea, above 2 meters high in thundershowers.