Pattaya engineers warn Pratamnak Soi 6 residents not to foul new drainage pipes


Pattaya engineers are asking Pratamnak Soi 6 residents not to foul newly installed drainage pipes by throwing garbage into storm drains.

Engineer Badinphat Thawatphabun said the 33.9 million baht spent on installing new pipes under the often-flooded street is now complete. But their effectiveness can easily be hampered by the common practice of residents and street vendors using storm drains as trash cans.

“Before”, as construction was underway and pipes were being laid.“Before”, as construction was underway and pipes were being laid.

He also warned those washing cars in front of homes to be sure the runoff flows toward drains and not into pockets where standing water can form.

Work covered more than three kilometers of Pratamnak Soi 6. Improvements included 3,458 meters of 80 cm. pipe, 224 wastewater reservoirs and replacement of pipes at Uthong Beach so that it connects to the Pattaya wastewater treatment plant on Soi Wat Bunyakanchanaram.

Connection to area hotels has not been completed, but will be done upon request, Badinphat said.

“Now”, the drainage system has been installed and pavement repaired.“Now”, the drainage system has been installed and pavement repaired.