Pattaya health officials test Walking Street bar workers for Covid-19

No drugs, weapons or underage drinkers were found.

Pattaya-area health officials inspected Walking Street businesses and randomly tested employees for Covid-19 as part of the district’s disease-surveillance effort.

Banglamung Deputy District Chief Pornchai Sangeid and Sompol Jittireungkiat of the district’s Public Health Department joined Pattaya police in the 10 p.m., Feb. 16 operation.

Pattaya-area health officials inspected Walking Street businesses and randomly tested employees for Covid-19 as part of the district’s disease-surveillance effort.

Sompol said all the bars appeared to be complying with coronavirus-prevention measures, such as distributing hand sanitizer and requiring patrons to either check in with the government’s Thai Chana contract-tracing app or register in a paper log.

No drugs, weapons or underage drinkers were found. Coronavirus test results were not immediately available. Pornchai said any worker testing positive would be quarantined. Their employer also would be shut down, at least temporarily.

The bars appeared to be complying with coronavirus-prevention measures, such as distributing hand sanitizer and requiring patrons to either check in with the government’s Thai Chana contract-tracing app or register in a paper log.

Sompol Jittireungkiat (2nd left) of the district’s Public Health Department said workers agreed to be randomly tested for Covid-19.

Banglamung Deputy District Chief Pornchai Sangeid said any worker testing positive would be quarantined. Their employer also would be shut down, at least temporarily.

All shops must provide hand sanitizer gel at the front.