Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh presents an elderly bed-ridden woman with her brand-new Thai identification card.
Pattaya made new identification cards for nine residents unable to visit city hall.
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Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh joined the Sept. 18 community-outreach effort to help elderly, disabled and bedridden residents.
Three ill patients, three senior citizens and three disabled people applied for new ID cards without having to leave home.
Pattaya City Hall personnel carried their computers and printer with them, so that the ID cards are produced on the spot.
A creative makeshift backdrop is held up behind this woman to show her height on her ID card.
Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh proudly holds up one of the ID cards produced at the home of an elderly person.
Volunteers from the Royal Red Cross Society, Banglamung also presented the residents with personal and household necessities.