Pattaya hot with heavy rain in the eastern part, calm beach, max temp 36°C

Serene atmosphere of the Dongtal beach in Jomtien, Pattaya City, Chonburi province.
Serene atmosphere of the Dongtal beach in Jomtien, Pattaya City, Chonburi province.

Weather Forecast for Pattaya City and Eastern Part
Cloudy scattered thundershowers with heavy rain in Chonburi, Rayong, Chanthaburi and Trat. Minimum temperature 24-27 °C. Maximum temperature 32-34 °C. Southwesterly winds 15-30 km/hr. Wave height about 1 meter and 1-2 meters in thundershowers areas.

Scattered thundershowers throughout the period with isolated heavy rain during 19 – 21 May. Southwesterly wind 15-30 km/hr. Wave height about 1 meter and 1- 2 meters in thundershowers areas. Minimum temperature 23-25°C. Maximum temperature 32-36°C.

Pattaya City 7 days Weather Forecast.
Pattaya City 7 days Weather Forecast.

Eastern Part 4 Weeks Weather Forecast.
Eastern Part 4 Weeks Weather Forecast.