Pattaya hotel ready to reopen as ‘hospitel’

The Crystal Luxury Hotel in Naklua is ready to start accepting patients with only Covid-19 minor symptoms.

Pattaya checked the readiness of the first local hotel to open during the Omicron wave as a “hospitel” for mildly ill coronavirus patients.

Deputy Mayor Manote Nongyai and Dr. Pornpirom Suadang of Pattaya Hospital on Jan. 6 inspected the Crystal Luxury Hotel in Naklua, which is ready to start accepting patients.

Crystal Palace served as a “hospitel,” or hotel converted to a quarantine facility, last year. It closed after the epidemic faded and tourists didn’t return. So getting it ready for more hospitel duty wasn’t a stretch.

The hotel has 180 rooms and will put two beds in each room for those infected with Covid-19 and showing only minor symptoms.

Deputy Mayor Manote Nongyai and team, along with Pattaya Hospital’s Dr. Pornpirom Suadang, check the Crystal Luxury Hotel’s readiness to open as a “hospitel” during the Omicron wave.