Chonburi Gov. Pakarathorn Thienchai tried to boost morale among dejected Pattaya hotel workers, saying the government will help where it can and invited domestic tourists to return once the travel lockdown has ended.
Pakarathorn was joined by Banglamung District Chief Amnart Charoensri and Pattaya Mayor Sonthaya Kunplome on the tour of hotel-restaurant booths set up on Pattaya Beach and on sidewalks outside resorts.

Normally, the governor said, private use of public footpaths is not allowed or requires a license. But given that hotel rooms are empty, selling food is the only way for resorts to stay in business and keep employees earning income.
So, for now, city and district governments will look the other way, he said.
Nonessential travel to Chonburi still isn’t allowed, but when the lockdown is lifted tourists are invited to come to Pattaya, the governor said, noting that, unlike some provinces, there is no quarantine requirement for those coming from Bangkok and other “high-risk” regions.
He said Chonburi has strong measures in place to prevent a new covid-19 outbreak, making Pattaya a safe place to visit.