Pattaya implores seniors, sick to register for coronavirus vaccinations

During a Covid-19 outreach session in South Pattaya, health officials implored seniors to register for coronavirus vaccinations.

Health officials implored seniors to register for coronavirus vaccinations at a Covid-19 outreach session in South Pattaya.

Public Health Department technical officer Thanakorn Singkumlo and his staff visited the Soi Khopai Community May 13. The trip was to publicize the opening of online registration for Covid-19 jabs, distribute free disinfectants and educate locals on disease-prevention measures.

The Public Health Ministry previously announced that Thais and foreign permanent residents over age 60 or afflicted with at least one of seven chronic diseases can register for vaccinations using the government’s Mor Phom app inoculations begin June 7.

The ministry estimated 11.7 million senior citizens are eligible for the jabs and 16 million suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and obesity. Yet only 1.7 million people have registered so far.

Public Health Department technical officer Thanakorn Singkumlo and his staff visited the Soi Khopai Community to publicize the opening of online registration for Covid-19.

The ministry said the online system may be too complicated for many or those eligible may not have smartphones. But Thanakorn pushed all seniors in the Soi Khopai neighborhood to make the effort to register.

He said the two vaccines to be administered – Sinovac Biotech’s CoronaVac and AstraZeneca PLC’s Covishield – are both safe and effective.

The health officials also gave out free disinfectants to people who brought their own containers.

Although the government’s Mor Phom app may be too complicated for many, Thanakorn encouraged all seniors in the Soi Khopai neighborhood to make the effort to register.