Pattaya launched free occupational-training programs covering health, food, marketing, handiwork, beauty and agriculture.
Deputy Mayor Wuthisak Rermkijakarn kicked off the program Feb. 1 at city hall. Pattaya is offering the free courses to solve poverty problems by creating jobs and income, promoting independent careers, and increasing skills to improve earning power.
The Social Welfare Department’s Occupational Promotion and Development Division said each course is open to 120 people and run from just one day to 150 hours.
The available courses are:
Healthy Thai Massage – 150 hours Feb. 2-16
Healthy Foot Massage – 60 hours Feb. 17-23
Health Food Business – Feb. 4-5 class on vegan desserts
“Eco Leaf” Printing – Feb. 9-10
Online Marketing and Sales – Feb. 13-15
Men’s Haircutting – Feb. 13-15
Sustainable Gardening – Feb. 16
Courses are taught by lecturers from government and private organizations.