Pattaya massage parlor soothes sore muscles, empty stomachs

Unable to make a living with massage only, Rom Pho Healthy Massage Shop owner Nop has turned to selling food and drink out front.

A Jomtien Beach massage parlor will not only soothe aching muscles but a growling stomach as well.

Rom Pho Healthy Massage on Jomtien Soi 1 has turned to food sales to supplement meager revenue from massages.

Nop, the manager, said the shop sells rice noodles in fish curry sauce with vegetables for 40 baht and frozen orange juice at 10 baht a glass.

She turned to food sales because there aren’t enough tourists in Pattaya for the shop to pay the rent with massages. Most previous customers were in tour groups from China, India and Russia.

The food sales have added thousands of baht of income a week, Nop said.

Once the customers are eating, they are pitched massages with the current promotion of only 200 baht an hour and a “buy 10, get one free” deal.

The shop sells rice noodles in fish curry sauce with vegetables for 40 baht and frozen orange juice at 10 baht a glass.