Pattaya mayor unimpressed by overdue contractor’s excuses

Mayor Poramet Ngampichet seems annoyed at the contractor and his incessant excuses as to why the construction work is way behind schedule.

Pattaya’s new mayor told contractors working on new drainage pipes near city hall not only to work faster, but more safely.

Poramet Ngampichet and council members for the North Pattaya neighborhood visited the work site on Third Road near Petrakos Road where the 27-million-baht project is now two months behind schedule.

The job calls for a drainage pond, cesspool and 450-milimeter-wide pipes over 850 meters, as well as two pumps capable of handling 16-cubic-meters of water a minute.

Poramet reminded the contractors they were supposed to have finished by April 20. And, he noted, their work zone is a massive safety hazard, with no lights, few barriers and lots of dust.

The contractor complained about labor shortages from the pandemic, hard soil making underground work slow and the narrowness and traffic on the street. Poramet was unimpressed.

He told the company to not only speed up their work, but to install lights, add barriers and clean up all the dirt they’ve left on the road, creating a hazard for motorbikes.

Mayor Poramet was quite upset that the working zone on Third Road has become a massive safety hazard, with no lights, few barriers and lots of dust.