Pattaya parks ready for joggers, cyclists

People have rediscovered the great outdoors, as the Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration relaxed coronavirus restrictions on outdoor exercise venues, public parks, sport zones, sports fields, and swimming pools, plus shopping malls, restaurants, gymnasiums with good ventilation and indoor exercise venues.

Nongprue workers spruced up Pattaya-area parks for their grand reopening Wednesday.

The Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration relaxed coronavirus restrictions on shopping malls, restaurants and indoor and outdoor exercise venues, including public parks, sport zones, sports fields, swimming pools, and gymnasiums with good ventilation.

Closed for months, King Bhumibol the Great Pubic Park and other green areas needed to be cleaned and cleared before joggers, walkers and bicyclists returned. (Parks are only open for exercise, not relaxation.)

Nongprue Mayor Wanchai Sanngam led a team of subdistrict engineering staff through several parks to check their condition. All were found to be clean and ready.

Officers are stationed at all Pattaya area parks for safety and to enforce the exercise-only rules. They also will shoo people out off of the grounds by 8 p.m., when parks must close.

Nongprue Mayor Wanchai Sanngam and his team (not shown) have inspected public parks in Nongprue Municipality, making sure they were ready for use.

Outdoor venues have been found clean and ready.