Jomtien Soi 5, which houses immigration, has been a one way street for nearly two months now, but you would never know it. The only wheeled traffic should be from Second Road to the beach, with the nearby Soi 7 being one way in the opposite direction. But the City Hall notices have mostly disappeared on Soi 5 and serious traffic jams occur on a daily basis as cars and vans persist in ignoring the rule. Heated arguments and impatient honking are almost a daily occurrence.
An added problem now is that the large car park on Soi 5 requires drivers to pay 40 baht as they enter which, again, causes traffic delays as they search for change or argue with the booth attendant about prices. Immigration says they are aware of the problem but point out that it’s the responsibility of the traffic division. There could be similar problems looming on Soi 11 and 13 of Pattaya Second Road which become one way on May 21 to link to Soi Buakhao.
֍ There’s a D-Day remembrance ceremony at Royal Varuna Yacht Club on June 6. Details from the club on 038 250 116.
֍ Sens Grill on Walking Street offers good Thai and international food and is open every night until the wee hours. People gather here after visiting the nearby constellations.
֍ I have an open door policy. You bring the beer and I open the door.
֍ Readers ask where to find a cheap and friendly bar in Jomtien to enjoy international football matches. Try Sevens bar to be found, as you’d expect, on Soi 7.
֍ Do you believe in safe sex? If you use the bed’s handrail you likely do.
֍ The tex-mex brunch at Beefeater in Soi Diana is good value at 345 baht. Book on 038 720 926 before you mosey on over.
֍ A reader says he bought a new microwave with a button marked “Pizza”. But he complains that the potato he put in still came out as a potato. Sign of the times.
֍ China has 1,300 coalfired power stations, so why all the fuss about your car going electric?
֍ June will be gay pride month in Pattaya with Saturday June 8 slated for parades etc. City Hall says Pattaya is now an inclusive city catering for most tastes. It always was.
֍ Sad news from Jomtien Complex where Max, aged 34 and a colleague at the Venue, has died after a TB illness.
֍ The current rainy weather in Pattaya is forcing the cockroaches and termites indoors which is an understandable phenomenon but a most unwelcome one. Agreed?
֍ A Pattaya quizzer criticized another player for not knowing what Armageddon was. He replied with indignation, “Oh shut up, it’s not as though it’s the end of the world.”
֍ If you are a male clubber who fancies Barbie doll types, there’s a number at Bliss on Walking Street. Or so the tom-toms have it.
֍ Some Sexy Soi 6 bars are regularly posting photos of their most glamorous hostesses on Facebook. But when the customer asks, they are told the girl in question has a day off is on holiday. More about this as I learn it.
֍ Any woman who says she wants a husband can’t have had one before.
֍ The Akira Club on Soi 15, Walking Street, is planning its first full moon party. Find out more on 081 135 4063.
֍ Marco’s Italian restaurant on Thrappaya Road, Jomtien, may be counted amongst the best. It’s often busy at lunchtime as well as evenings, a hard thing to do in this town.
֍ The longstanding gogo Living Dolls Showcase is now Imperia, subthemed Russian Show Girls. Changing names is a common thread on Walking Street.
֍ Beerfest’s beer offer is to buy 2 liters of any of their craft beers and receive an extra liter for free.
֍ All the bars in front of Pattaya Beer Garden appear to have been removed. What’s going on?
֍ Those fancying a change from Pattaya are again congregating in Angeles City, Philippines, according to the newsy Stickman column. The bars are said to have attractive hostesses and often open at noon rather than at dusk. Punters pay upfront at one time for all services rather than having to negotiate separately with the mamasan, the cashier and the lady of choice. A night out will likely cost you less than in Pattaya. How much less may be up to your negotiating skills.
But I don’t give a hoot!