Pattaya residents demand strict policing of rampant garbage dumping

Wanchai Saengnarm, deputy mayor of Nong Prue sub district speaks to residents in Soi Chaiyapruek 2 during the garbage burial operations.

Decades of wading through garbage dumped on their streets and communities, the people of Nongprue sub district decided to put their foot down and demand the authorities put a stop to this repulsive behavior.

They petitioned the municipality and submitted a ‘cleanup the garbage or else’ ultimatum.

Not waiting to find out what the ‘or else’ action would be, on August 5, Wanchai Saengnarm, deputy mayor of Nong Prue sub district together with his subordinates and the municipality health and hygiene department workers inspected the foul-smelling spots on Soi Chaiyapruek 2 and to hastily bury the offending trash.

Using backhoes the workers dug a trench into which they pushed all the garbage and covered it up nice and neatly.

The backhoe digs a trench and buries the garbage in Soi Chaiyapruek 2.

To discourage garbage dumpers from continuing to commit these rotten offenses the municipality erected signs warning offenders not to dump their garbage indiscriminately, because if they are caught they will face a hefty 2000 baht fine.

Wanchai said, “We are at wits end on how to stop irresponsible people from dumping their garbage without regard for the community or concern for public hygiene and cleanliness. All we can do is come and clean up the area again and again and erect signs warning the people not to dump their garbage there.”

He asked for people to keep an eye out for the law breakers and to report any wrongdoing to the authorities immediately. The municipality police telephone numbers are 038-249043 or 038-734934.

Wanchai and his team pose in front of the sign that warns garbage dumpers that they face a 2000 baht fine.