Pattaya says Thepprasit Soi 7 pump station complete

Mayor Sonthaya Kunplome (center), his deputies and Engineering Department staff toured the station on Soi Thepprasit 7 in front of the Pattaya Youth Sports Center on Mother’s Day, Aug. 12.

A Thepprasit Road neighborhood is looking forward to a flood-free rainy season after Pattaya officials pronounced a new pump station complete.

Mayor Sonthaya Kunplome, his deputies and Engineering Department staffers toured the station on Soi Thepprasit 7 in front of the Pattaya Youth Sports Center Aug. 12. They said construction and installation of three pumps are now complete.

The pumps and new pressurized pipes were installed to replace inadequate drainage lines under Thepprasit Soi 7 through the Mae La-Or Market. The area, stretching to Thepprasit Soi 9, flooded each time it rained for more than a half-hour.

The new system will take water flowing down from Sukhumvit Road via Soi Jularat and Thepprasit Soi 9 and send it through pipes to pumps that can push 1.5 cubic feet of water per second to the Jomtien sewage-treatment plant.
Officials boldly predicted it would permanently eliminate severe flooding in the area.

Officials boldly predicted a new pump station and floodway would permanently eliminate severe flooding in the area.