Pattaya seafood dealers squeezed by fuel-price increases

Higher cost of diesel fuel has forced seafood vendors to raise the price of shrimp from 200-260 baht a kilogram to 280-300 baht, depending on size.

Higher fuel prices are pushing up the prices for fresh seafood.

With world oil prices rising above US$115 a barrel, both fishermen and sellers are feeling the pinch.

While Thailand has capped the price of diesel fuel that runs boats at 32 baht a liter, that’s still 2 baht more than last month. And, under the government subsidy scheme, prices for a liter of diesel are set to rise to 35 baht.

Fishermen have responded by raising the prices of their catches. Shrimp, for example, has increased from 200-260 baht a kilogram to 280-300 baht, depending on size.

Vendors say they not only are facing higher prices for seafood, but at the pump to fill their vehicles just to pick up the fish.

“Boat”, a Naklua Market seafood vendor, said that, unlike wholesalers, he can’t raise retail prices. People already have cut back with many shoppers buying half of what they used to, due to inflation.

However, there’s only so long he can hold the line on prices, “Boat” said. Fresh squid is up almost 15 baht a kilogram now. There’s only so long he can eat the loss, Boat said.

A Naklua Market seafood vendor said that he cannot raise his prices because consumers are already cutting back on their consumption to save money.