Pattaya signs deal to develop real-time traffic information system

Intelligent Traffic Information Center Chairman Ninnart Chaiteerapinyo and Pattaya Mayor Sonthaya Kunplome sign an agreement to automate the city’s traffic signals.

Pattaya will automate its traffic signals under a deal signed Monday with Intelligent Traffic Information Center.

ITIC Chairman Ninnart Chaiteerapinyo and Pattaya Mayor Sonthaya Kunplome signed the agreement that will see the non-profit organization collect traffic information from government and private sectors to develop a real-time traffic system to reduce congestion and improve road safety.

The system will use the hundreds of previously inoperable closed-circuit cameras to manage traffic flows and automate and synchronize signals.

ITIC was founded to focus on the use of information technology and communication with smart data-transmission technology for public benefit.
Real-time traffic information will be sent to users of various online platforms and services.

The ITIC entourage and reporters were shown around the traffic monitor control center.