Pattaya steps up battle against mozzies

Health workers inspect high risk areas for any signs of breeding mosquitos.
Health workers inspect high risk areas for any signs of breeding mosquitos.

The Public Health Department has stepped up its campaign in Pattaya neighborhoods for the eradication of mosquitos as the rainy season sets in.

A crew was seen seen May 25 in the Wat Boonkan­chanaram Community, with workers led by Anya Chan­taramat spraying pesticide, handing out leaflets and distributing abate sand to prevent the mosquito population from exploding during the wet season.

The Charoensuk Pattana and Chumsai communities were next on the hit list.

Mosquitos, which can carry a variety of diseases including dengue fever, breed by laying eggs in standing water. Eradicating such water sources is difficult during normal times and nearly impossible during the rainy season.

But reported dengue cases have spiked in the Wat Boon neighborhood, requiring urgent action from the city and more vigilance from residents, who should empty buckets and pour abate into puddles.

Anya, a registered nurse, said 10,446 people have been diagnosed with dengue fever nationwide this year, an increase of 15 percent. In Pattaya alone, 32 residents have fallen ill of dengue.