Pattaya tots get DTP vaccines

An infant cries as health officers administer the child with the DTP vaccines.

Young kids got shots for tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis at Nong Samor Health Promotion Hospital.

Held every four months, the Pattaya Public Health Department event offered vaccines to children six months to four years July 8.

Infants get three doses of DTP vaccines in their first year at two, four and six months and a booster at 18 months. The second booster should come between grades 1 and 6, along with a polio vaccine.

After getting the vaccines, children may have pain, trouble swallowing, and redness, which can be treated with a cold compress. Moreover, children may have fever, vomiting, aches, swollen face and neck or elevated heartbeat.

These symptoms will diminish in a couple days.