Pattaya trains village health volunteers


Pattaya-area residents trained to become village health volunteers in a workshop aimed at improving basic healthcare coverage in the city.

Supaporn Cherdchaiphum of the Pattaya Public Health Department was the featured speaker at the Jan. 15 training session, the first of six planned for this year.

Health volunteers educate village residents on the need for preventative health care and work to create healthy-living plans for neighbors. Each volunteer is responsible for 15 households.

Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome (center) opens the workshop with some light-hearted song and dance.Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome (center) opens the workshop with some light-hearted song and dance.

The volunteers can also address issues such as poor sanitation, help relieve the stress of villages and report both good and bad news to the community.

Currently, Pattaya has 229 village health volunteers and 51 women who weren’t trained in primary health care who act as aides.

This year’s program will work in tandem with Pattaya Hospital to focus on supervision and monitoring of the Community Health Center to expand the program and begin a volunteer training school.

Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome took the occasion to present certificates to volunteers that have been working on behalf of city residents for 10 years.