Pattaya tunnel behind schedule, more delays expected


More delays expected

The Sukhumvit-Central Road bypass tunnel is nearly 60 percent complete, but contractors admit the job is taking longer than hoped.

The Sukhumvit-Central Road bypass tunnel is nearly 60 percent complete, but contractors admit the job is taking longer than hoped and more delays are expected due to the rainy season. However, contractors said they were certain the work would be completed in the first quarter of next year.
The Sukhumvit-Central Road bypass tunnel is nearly 60 percent complete, but contractors admit the job is taking longer than hoped and more delays are expected due to the rainy season. However, contractors said they were certain the work would be completed in the first quarter of next year.

Project manager Rachan Chan and advisor Somchai Panpao said July 27 that initial plans called for 65.7 percent of the 475-meter-long tunnel to be finished by now. However, the job is only 56.6% done, they said.

Contractors currently are working inside the tunnel, mainly creating walls and metal reinforcements to strengthen the interior.


The contract ends in seven months and contractors said the going will get even slower as rainy season reaches its crescendo.

Without explaining how they planned to speed up the pace in the face of even more delays, contractors said they were certain the work would be completed in the first quarter of next year.
