Pattaya, utilities meet to synchronize South Road construction

Mayoral advisor Paiwan Aromcheun and other Pattaya officials met with area utility companies to try and get them to work together to minimize construction disruptions on South Road.

Pattaya officials met with area utility companies to get them to all work together to minimize construction disruptions on South Road.

Mayoral advisor Paiwan Aromcheun chaired the April 30 meeting with city engineers and representatives from the Provincial Electricity Authority, National Telecom PLC, CAT Telecom PLC, TOT PLC, and the Provincial Waterworks Authority.

Pattaya is installing a new storm-drainage system at the intersection of Third and South roads consisting of new pipes and clarifiers.

The meeting sought information from each utility company about how their ongoing projects to bury power and communications wires can be integrated and synchronized with the pipework so that South Road doesn’t have to be dug up multiple times.

City engineers and representatives from the Provincial Electricity Authority, National Telecom PLC, CAT Telecom PLC, TOT PLC, and the Provincial Waterworks Authority were all summoned to the meeting.

Plans and schedules were laid out to attempt to keep construction companies from continuing to dig up, fill in, and dig up again area roads – and in this case, South Pattaya Road.