Folks in the greater Pattaya area celebrated the birthday of Thailand’s new queen for the first time, holding merit-making ceremonies and blessings for HM Queen Suthida Bajrasudhabimalalakshana. Shown here, Banglamung District Chief Amnart Charoensri pays his respects June 3 in front of a portrait of HM the Queen to lead local officials and the general public in wishing her a most happy birthday.
Folks in the greater Pattaya area celebrated the birthday of Thailand’s new queen for the first time, holding merit-making ceremonies and blessings for HM the Queen Suthida Bajrasudhabimalalakshana.
Banglamung District Chief Amnart Charoensri led administrators and the public in giving alms to monks for the Queen’s 41st birthday June 3, offering up flowers and incense in front of her portraits. Monks then chanted holy stanzas and prayed for Her Majesty before partaking in a morning meal.
That evening, Amnart was back, leading a loyalty ceremony where the public sang royal hymns and paid well wishes to a portrait of the Queen.
In Sattahip, Adm. Noppadol Supakorn, commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai Fleet, presided over a birthday observance by the navy with sailors giving alms to 41 monks before 10 of them performed religious rites.
Officials and the public donated alms to monks to make merit in the morning for HM Queen Suthida’s birthday.Adm. Noppadol Supakorn, commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai Fleet, presides over the navy’s birthday observance.Adm. Noppadol Supakorn poses with members of the Navy Wives Club.Pattaya Deputy Mayor Banlue Kullavanijaya leads city officials in signing the birthday wish book for HM the Queen.Humble observers light candles in the evening to wish HM the Queen a happy birthday.Representatives from local organizations lay flower cones to pay respect to HM the Queen.HHN Drop-in center kids and teachers pay their respects to HM the Queen Suthida on June 3rd, and wish her a very happy birthday.Police volunteers pay their respects to HM the Queen Suthida.Adm. Noppadol Supakorn, commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai Fleet, pays his respects to our new Queen.