PEA installs switches to prevent blackouts

The Provincial Electricity Authority installed new power switches along Sukhumvit Road to prevent all of Pattaya from suffering a simultaneous blackout.
The Provincial Electricity Authority installed new power switches along Sukhumvit Road to prevent all of Pattaya from suffering a simultaneous blackout.

The Provincial Electricity Authority installed new power switches along Sukhumvit Road to prevent all of Pattaya from suffering a simultaneous blackout.

Work crews put in the switches and upgraded transformers Nov. 21. PEA electricians explained the switches were necessary to allow the utility to selectively shut down power in only parts of the city in case of urgent repairs or a power failure.

In addition, the rapid growth of certain areas of Pattaya put unanticipated strain on the power grid. The switches serve as a “breaker” to prevent a widespread blackout.

The switches will come in handy when the utility installs new power poles, forcing electricity to be cut off during the work.