People of five religions express devotion to HM the King at Sanctuary of Truth


Thousands of people of all faiths expressed their devotion to Their Majesties the King and Queen at an all-day five-religion ceremony at the Sanctuary of Truth.

Chonburi Deputy Gov. Teerawut Siriwan, Pattaya Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome and Phra Rachasitwimol, the ecclesiastical deputy governor for Chonburi, opened the Dec. 9 ceremony with calls to praise His Majesty before an image of the King.

Ten of thousands of people attended the ceremony making the place look small.Ten of thousands of people attended the ceremony making the place look small.

At 6:30 a.m., 392 monks – including 88 ordained for 10 days to commemorate Father’s Day – collected alms of dried food and rice from those attending.

At 10.09 a.m. Buddhists began their prayers and listened to a dharma lesson on the Three Characteristics of Aniccata, and Annatta; as well as teachings on the Four Noble Truths of Lord Buddha.

The Brahman ceremony followed, beginning with a procession of Brahman and Lord Vishnu, with followers holding up a portrait of His Majesty while moving around the Sanctuary of Truth three times. They then went inside the hall to pray and make wishes for His Majesty to be healthy and live long.

Buddhist monks said prayers until 4pm, accompanying ceremonies of 3 other religions; Catholic, Islam, and Sikhism.Buddhist monks said prayers until 4pm, accompanying ceremonies of 3 other religions; Catholic, Islam, and Sikhism.

Buddhist monks said prayers again before the beginning of ceremonies for Catholics, Muslims and Sikhs, respectively, until 4 p.m.

Adm. Pichan Dhiranetra, commander in chief of the Royal Thai Fleet, led guests and the leaders of the five religious ceremonies to give well wishes to His Majesty and sing the Thai royal anthem and Maharaja anthem together at the end of the ceremony.

Free food and drink were provided throughout the day and there was also a blood-donation event for the Thai Red Cross.

The owners of the Sanctuary of Truth; Picharn and Warakorn Viriyaphan.The owners of the Sanctuary of Truth; Picharn and Warakorn Viriyaphan.