Plans for Pattaya disabled-sports center crawl forward

Plans for a disabled sports center at the Eastern National Indoor Sports Stadium complex continue to crawl forward, with officials still waiting on designs from the Sports Authority of Thailand.
Plans for a disabled sports center at the Eastern National Indoor Sports Stadium complex continue to crawl forward, with officials still waiting on designs from the Sports Authority of Thailand.

Plans for a disabled sports center at the Eastern National Indoor Sports Stadium complex continue to crawl forward, with officials still waiting on designs from the Sports Authority of Thailand.

Pattaya Deputy City Manager Sutham Petchket chaired a June 12 progress meeting on the project with the Paralympic Committee of Thailand.

Plans to upgrade the Jomtien Beach stadium began in 2016 but little has been done to make the “sports destination of Thailand” since.

Sutham said an appointed committee laid out its ideas for design and construction and an agreement was signed between the city, sports authority and Paralympic committee to work together.

But the SAT has not returned any design plans to the city, so no timetable for any construction has yet been set. (PCPR)