Plans to combat Jomtien Beach erosion underway


With the schedule set for a massive refill of Pattaya Beach, local officials are turning their attention to Jomtien Beach, which is facing similar erosion problems.

Pattaya Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh met with Marine Department and city officials, business leaders and residents March 31 to discuss immediate measures that can be taken to counter erosion.

Officials are turning their attention to erosion at Jomtien Beach.Officials are turning their attention to erosion at Jomtien Beach.

Phimuk Prayoonpong, director of the Marine Department’s Pattaya office, said officials are working with Chulalongkorn and Kasetart universities to draft a plan to combat erosion. Currently, researchers are determining the amount of sand needed, where and how it should be laid, and how to retain it.

The project is to be based on a 14-kilometer scale starting from Bali Hai Pier to the Ocean Marina Yacht Club. Two more meetings are expected to be held before a draft plan can be finalized.

The second meeting will include results of the studies, explanations, details and shared opinions between the organizations involved. The third meeting will be the final discussion and the studies will be presented.

The project will study the situation at Jomtien Beach from Bali Hai Pier to the Ocean Marina Yacht Club.The project will study the situation at Jomtien Beach from Bali Hai Pier to the Ocean Marina Yacht Club.