Plee Pier seafood vendors trained in food safety


Chonburi officials trained Plee Pier seafood merchants on food-safety practices and standards to prevent disease at the increasingly popular market.

Mayor Decho Khongchayawat led the June 13 delegation of public health workers to the pier to inspect food stalls and instruct on property food storage, handling and preparation. Merchants who passed the course were given certificates and identification cards to display and inspire confidence in patrons.

Plee Pier seafood merchants were recently given further training on food-safety practices and standards.Plee Pier seafood merchants were recently given further training on food-safety practices and standards.

Decho said Plee Pier’s seafood vendors have become increasingly popular as people buy more pre-cooked food, instead of cooking at home. To prevent food poisoning and disease, vendors need to be trained on sanitation and food-safety methods.