Police arrest drunk shooting into air at Bali Hai


A Huay Yai man was arrested for shooting off a handgun at Bali Hai Pier and then leading police on a chase throughout South Pattaya.

A drunken Chaloempol Chao-suan, 28, was apprehended on Soi Yensabai early April 1 after a chase that led police from the pier, past Chaimongkol Temple and through South Pattaya side streets. A loaded 9 mm handgun was confiscated.

Officers were called to Bali Hai on reports someone was shooting a gun into the air. The suspect had fled before police arrived, but witnesses supplied the license plate number of the shooter’s Isuzu pickup truck.

Police said Chaloempol protested his arrest, claiming that since the gun was registered, he saw nothing wrong with “having fun” and firing bullets into the sky.

Chaloempol was charged with unjustified possession of a registered firearm in a public area and discharging a gun in public.

Police arrested Chaloempol Chao-suan for firing his handgun at Bali Hai Pier.Police arrested Chaloempol Chao-suan for firing his handgun at Bali Hai Pier.