Police arrested 2 accused of dealing drugs for Bangkok inmate


Two alleged drug dealers with purported ties to a network inside a Bangkok prison were arrested in Pattaya.

Banglamung District and police officials on March 19 announced the arrest of Chamnan Rahotan, 49, with 2 grams of crystal methamphetamine, and Pichit Makmee, 44, with 90 grams of ya ice and 1,800 ya ba tablets. Four accused drug users were also apprehended.

Chamnan Rahotan and Pichit Makmee have been arrested on drugs charges.Chamnan Rahotan and Pichit Makmee have been arrested on drugs charges.

The arrests resulted from interrogation of drug users, who pointed to Chamnan as their dealer. He, in turn, ratted out his alleged dealer, Pichit.

Authorities accused the two of working for a jailed drug kingpin behind bars in Bangkok.