Police chief calls for stricter, more-polite traffic enforcement


Pattaya’s new police chief instructed traffic officers and volunteers to crack down on parking scofflaws and other law breakers, but do it more politely.

Pol. Col. Supathee Bungkhrong told traffic police June 13 that they need to do their job with politeness toward the public, especially those asking for help. Serve them with compassion, he said.

Pol. Col. Supathee Bungkhrong (left) tells traffic police to crack down on parking scofflaws and other law breakers, but do it politely.Pol. Col. Supathee Bungkhrong (left) tells traffic police to crack down on parking scofflaws and other law breakers, but do it politely.

But he said the traffic officers and volunteers also need to be stricter on enforcing traffic laws, especially parking regulations.

Mini buses, tour buses, cabs and vans parking in restricted areas or impeding traffic flow by stopping to dispatch passengers must be dealt with through tickets, fines and even towing, Supathee said.