Police find knives hidden by youth gangs on Pattaya Beach

Pattaya police patrolling the beach at night detained underage teens loitering on the beach and brought them into the police station to wait for their parents.

Police found four knives stashed on Pattaya Beach by youth gangs to use in fights.

Officers patrolling the beach around 11:30 p.m. March 22 detained underage teens loitering on the beach and brought them into the police station to wait for their parents.

In their patrol, officers checked bushes and other hiding places and four two short knives and two long ones stashed in an electrical cabinet.

Gang members likely hid them to use in case of fights, police said. Unsurprisingly, none of the youths hanging out on the beach claimed them as their own.

Police found four knives stashed in an electrical cabinet on Pattaya Beach by youth gangs to use in fights.