Police light up Dutchman for smoking weed at home


A Dutchman learned an apartment in Central Pattaya is not a coffee shop in Amsterdam when police came knocking on his door in the middle of the night after complaints he was allegedly smoking marijuana.

Sonny De Graff, 24, was arrested for possession of a Class 5 narcotic after undercover police rousted him around 2:30 a.m. Feb. 5. About 11 g. of marijuana was found in his pocket.

Police came to his Soi Town and Town apartment after neighbors complained about suspected pot smoking.

Dutchman Sonny De Graff learned the hard way that smoking pot in Thailand, no matter where, is illegal. Dutchman Sonny De Graff learned the hard way that smoking pot in Thailand, no matter where, is illegal.

De Graff told police he failed to see the harm in smoking weed alone in his apartment in the middle of the night. After all, he said, he has been coming to Thailand for eight years and using grass without bothering anyone.

Police pointed out what coffee houses in the Netherlands allow is not allowed in the Kingdom and took him to the Pattaya Police Station for processing.