Police of all types get marine-rescue training


Street patrolmen, tourist police and railroad cops all learned the basics of marine emergency rescue at a two-day seminar administered by the Marine Police.

The Aug. 23-24 workshop at the Discovery Beach Hotel focused on the theory behind handling emergencies such as floods, landslides, earthquakes and tidal waves. Practical training covered how to save victims at sea, with practice sessions run in the hotel’s pool. Training on use of rubber rafts and rescue equipment was also covered.

The Aug. 23-24 workshop focused on the theory behind handling emergencies such as floods, landslides, earthquakes and tidal waves. The Aug. 23-24 workshop focused on the theory behind handling emergencies such as floods, landslides, earthquakes and tidal waves.

Marine Police Maj. Gen Chavalit Sawaengphud said the program arose from the spate of recent disasters around the world and was deemed beneficial to not only marine officers, but those from the Central Investigation Bureau, Royal Thai Police, and even railroad police.