Police practice robbery scenarios with bank workers


Area bank employees were given lessons in how to handle robberies through scenarios acted out by Pattaya police.

Participants were taken to a local bank where two police officers took the roles as armed bank robbers. Wearing motorcycle helmets, officers acted out a robbery situation in which guns were pointed at bank clerks, who were threatened to hand over cash. Officers then fled on a motorbike.

Patrol officers were contacted and the “robbers” were caught in central Pattaya.

“This is a holdup. If everyone cooperates, no one will get hurt.” Police stage a bank robbery to train staff and officers how to react.“This is a holdup. If everyone cooperates, no one will get hurt.” Police stage a bank robbery to train staff and officers how to react.

Police superintendent Col. Sukthat Pumpunmuang said that practices of real-life situations are held regularly as robberies can happen quickly and unexpectedly just about anytime and anywhere.

Police intend to provide methods of how to react and who to contact if it really happens, he said.