Police raid another suspected Taiwanese telephone-fraud ring


Police have broken up a second suspected Taiwanese telephone-fraud ring, this time operating out of a Huay Yai compound.

Chonburi police and Transnational Crime Coordination Center officers stormed a gated property containing a pair of two story houses and a single-story home May 26. There officers arrested three Thai caretakers and 12 Taiwanese nationals. They also seized 25 telephones, eight laptop computers and networking gear.

The gig is up - police arrest three Thai caretakers and 12 Taiwanese nationals on suspicion of running a telephone-fraud ring. The gig is up – police arrest three Thai caretakers and 12 Taiwanese nationals on suspicion of running a telephone-fraud ring.

Maj. Gen. Jumnong Rattanakul said police were tipped off by neighbors to a large number of ethnic Chinese living on the grounds for the past two weeks. Having busted another Taiwanese call center ring in Naklua just three weeks earlier, police suspected the Huay Yai residence may be playing host to another.

Police said group leader Chen Chin-Shan, 36, initially denied operating a call center, saying the Taiwanese were there for a holiday tour. Investigators, however, found medical visas, throwing suspicion on their story. Then, police said, Chen attempted to bribe officers 1.5 million baht, but investigators refused, booking them on charges of fraud, theft and attempted bribery.

Under questioning, police said, Chen said a Mr. Lee placed him in charge before fleeing the country May 23. It’s unknown if he was connected to the Naklua call ring, which was raided May 4, resulting in the arrest of two Thais and 26 Chinese and Taiwanese nationals.