Poor couple robbed of charity donations, by daughter


An elderly couple whose story of remaining together through illness and financial problems pulled heartstrings in Sattahip was dealt another blow when their daughter stole the charitable donations neighbors contributed.

Klissana Tiemsuwan and his disabled wife Sirirat were dealt another blow when their daughter stole the charitable donations neighbors contributed.
Klissana Tiemsuwan and his disabled wife Sirirat were dealt another blow when their daughter stole the charitable donations neighbors contributed.

Klissana Tiemsuwan, 74, and his disabled wife Sirirat, 60, told reporters Jan. 9 that their only daughter, a karaoke bar employee, stole more than 10,000 baht from her parents, leaving them in dire financial straits.

The money had come from donations made by Sarisa Ektat, director of the Social Security Department, social workers Ratcharee Worarath, and Lusa Porohomthong and the Banglamung Home for the Elderly, as well as neighbors.

Klissana said they are reliant on handouts as he can no longer work as he has to stay home to care for his infirm wife, who can no longer walk and is in constant pain.

He said they don’t often see their 25-year-old child, but when they do, she often takes advantage of them, stealing cash and other donations.

Recently Klissana asked his daughter to deposit in the bank 10,000 baht given to the couple. Instead, she used his identification card to withdraw more cash from his account and absconded with all the money, he said.

Sarisa appealed to the public to come to the couple’s aid, saying they live in a dilapidated home that needs repairs.

Local government officials confirmed the situation was not a scam and said police are hunting for their daughter.