Pop singer begins tour as navy recruit


Phanu “Poppy” Jirakhun, leader of the band K-otic, reported for military duty at the Naval Recruit Training Center, refusing to call in any special favors and said he’d willingly take a battalion-unit post.

The pop star was part of the latest class of conscripts to be welcomed May 1 by academy director Capt. Niwat Hachaoren. The 23-year-old said he volunteered for service after completing his bachelor’s degree in architecture at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok.

Phanu “Poppy” Jirakhun (front right), leader of the band K-otic, reports for military duty at the Naval Recruit Training Center.Phanu “Poppy” Jirakhun (front right), leader of the band K-otic, reports for military duty at the Naval Recruit Training Center.

The new recruit took part in an inspection by drug-sniffing dogs to find illegal narcotics and determine if any recruits were using drugs. The singer reportedly conducted himself admirably.

Niwat called Poppy’s arrival a plus for the school as he has knowledge in science and art. He said he plans to discuss the singer with the head of the Naval Education Department as to how Poppy can use his talents to the benefit of the Navy over the next six months.

Poppy said he will be in the Navy for two years and will take on whatever post he is assigned, even if it is a low-level battalion position.