Poramet rallies 2,000 in Naklua in bid to become Pattaya mayor

Poramet Ngampichet holds a final rally in Naklua in his bid to win the election to become Pattaya mayor.

Former Pattaya mayor Sonthaya Kunplome and his hand-picked successor made a final pitch for votes to about 2,000 people at the Naklua Market.

Candidate Poramet Ngampichet of the Rao Rak Pattaya was joined by the group’s 24 council candidates May 20 for the rally two days before the vote.

Poramet’s lengthy speech covered his four goals and 15 proposed policies to make a “better Pattaya”, saying that Naklua would remain a priority for him if elected.

Sonthaya had begun a development project for the market that started with a new parking garage and could culminate into a larger market and tourist attraction. No funding has been allocated so far.

He said tourism supports everyone in Pattaya, regardless of age or gender. Thai tourists coming from upcountry and local people shop for seafood here. It’s important to develop Naklua’s special identity, Poramet said.

More than 2000 people gathered at Naklua market to listen to Poramet Ngampichet speak about his policies and that Naklua would remain a priority for him if elected.