Public to Pattaya: Cars don’t bounce off sign posts

Installing crash cushions doesn’t do much good if you put a sign post right in front of them.
Installing crash cushions doesn’t do much good if you put a sign post right in front of them.

Installing crash cushions doesn’t do much good if you put a sign post right in front of them.

That was the message the public delivered loudly and clearly to Pattaya City Hall and officials finally listened Sept. 5, removing a sign post set smack in front of a set of impact attenuators on the Highway 7 off-ramp.

The so-called crash cushions reduce damage to vehicles and motorists during a motor vehicle accident by absorbing the vehicle’s colliding vehicle’s kinetic energy, even redirecting the vehicle away from a hazard.

Critical news reports and social media posts pointed out to city hall that vehicles don’t bounce off sign posts, like the one Pattaya workers left in place as they installed the cushions behind it.

City hall got the message and took down the post, but the bolts and cement foundation remained. Workers put a tire over them, though, and rubber cones to warn drivers until they remove it entirely.