Public Road or Private Parking – Pattaya residents protest against public space encroachment

Residents of Arunothai 11 protest against businesses occupying public roads, causing frequent accidents and blocking fire trucks

PATTAYA, Thailand – Residents of Arunothai 11 Alley have come together to protest against business operators and individuals who have occupied public roads with objects, causing the alley to become dangerously narrow. Frequent accidents have occurred, and during a recent fire incident, fire trucks were unable to access the area, nearly resulting in the destruction of a house. Fortunately, residents managed to control the fire in time.

Following complaints raised at a community forum, a news team visited the alley alongside Amnuay Muangthong, Chairman of the Arunothai Community. The inspection confirmed that the narrow alley, which connects to Sukhumvit Road, is heavily congested, particularly in the evening. Residents reported that a foreign-owned tourism business in the middle of the alley has placed concrete barriers along the public road, leading to multiple accidents.

In a recent incident, a vehicle attempting to avoid the concrete barriers ended up damaged when its wheel got caught on a protruding pipe. There have also been reports of cars accidentally running over cats due to the restricted road space. Despite complaints, those responsible have ignored the concerns. At the far end of the alley, various objects have also been placed to reserve parking spaces, further obstructing traffic flow.

During a fire incident two to three months ago, fire trucks were unable to enter the alley due to these obstructions, nearly resulting in a complete house fire. Fortunately, residents were able to contain the blaze.

Community leader Amnuay has urged residents not to park in ways that block traffic and has requested the removal of objects encroaching on public roads. He also plans to notify Pattaya City officials to conduct an inspection and enforce order in the alley.

Additionally, residents are calling for fire extinguishers to be installed, broken water hydrants to be repaired, and basic fire safety training to help them respond effectively in emergencies.

Narrow roads in Arunothai 11 nearly led to disaster when a fire truck couldn’t pass. Residents demand action to clear public roads.

Business owners using public roads for private gain are making traffic worse! Locals call for authorities to restore order.